The oyster mushroom is so named because it looks similar to an oyster and is available in a wide array of colours, including white, yellow, brown, blue, black and pink, all tending to fade to a creamy gray when cooked.
Cultivation Level : – Easy
Substrates : – Straw/Wood
Temps : Colonizing/Fruiting – 70-75/60-70
The oyster mushroom is so named because it looks similar to an oyster and is available in a wide array of colours, including white, yellow, brown, blue, black and pink, all tending to fade to a creamy gray when cooked. These are by far the easiest and least expensive to grow. Many growers are now using straw as the growth medium. This results in a loss of flavour, texture, and shelf-life. Adding the natural host of wood, like chips or sawdust will produce a more defined body and flavour character.
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